Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park is located in the north eastern region of Uganda, and it is the most isolated park in the country yet stunning. The park lies in the rugged, semi-desert valleys of the Read More

Kidepo valley national park

The visitors who have visited this amazing national park have highly recommended it and agree that it is one of the most attractive national parks in Africa. Its scenery is unique, with an open tree savannah vegetation which varies in structure and composition.  It combines mountain forests in the high places and dense Acacia geradi forests supported along River Lorupei.

Top Tours to Kidepo Valley National Park

We have travelled allover Uganda and tested every possible route to enable us to design itineraries that work absolutely smoothly, covering many of the country’s highlights at just the right pace and timing. Packed with unique experiences and handpicked hotels, our tours deliver unforgettable travel memories.

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Top Things to do in Kidepo Valley National Park

Game viewing in Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park offers exclusive game viewing experiences because the park hosts over 80 species of mammals with about 28 of them not found in any other national park of Uganda. Some of the animals seen in this magnificent park include the Caracal, Bat-eared Fox, Klipspringers, the Cheetah, elephants, zebras, buffaloes, Bohor Reedbuck, Senegal Galagos, Leopards, Kongoni spotted Hyena, Guenthers Dikdik, Oribi, and Lions among others.

Birding in Kidepo Valley National Park

The park offers a number of avifauna thus making it a birding haven. About 465 bird species have been recorded to be living here. Some of the birds found in Kidepo Valley National Park include the Ostrich and the Kori Bustard which are associated principally with arid areas. 58 species of birds of prey have been recorded in Kidepo Valley of which 14 are believed to be endemic to the Kidepo and Karamoja region.

Community visits

Local community around the park offer a unique cultural experience which includes entertainment. Several traditional dances are performed by the citizens of the area such the Emuya of the Naporre and Nyangia, Larakaraka and Apiti which are the Acholi dances, super interesting to see and as well involve in.

Hiking and Guided nature walks are also possible in the park.

Accommodations in Kidepo Valley National Park

There are several accommodations in Kidepo Valley National Park, some of which are located inside the park and others in areas surrounding the stunning park. They range from Luxury, Medium and Budget accommodations all offering wonderful services respectively.

Refer to our List of Recommended Accommodations and choose the best.



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